meteorite stone A Mars Les dérivations de la roche fondue forment la croûte de fusion de la pierre fondue ORIENTED Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté.........Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté texture 5/1 en haut stricke bouclier frontal .... au milieu a droite cracked fusion crust.. Si elle avait été solide à travers, plus de l'astéroïde original aurait pu survivre à sa descente de feu et a causé encore plus de ravages dans son sillage.
This is one of the many Park Forest (L5 chondrite) stones that fell in Chicago on March 26, 2003. This one went through a roof and broke into four pieces. (Thanks to Karl Aston for showing us the stones.) Many Park Forest stones have a patchy fusion crust. The meteorite is a breccia, with light gray clasts in a dark matrix. Thanks to Carrie Seniw for the photos.
This is a beautiful photo of a cracked fusion crust and many small regmaglypts on an unnamed meteorite (probably an ordinary chondrite) found in the Sahara Desert. Thanks to Habib for the photo.