Texture N°20 - Iron nickel meteorite - pyrite meteorite


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Texture N°20 - Iron nickel meteorite - pyrite meteorite

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 Iron nickel meteorite - pyrite meteorite

Texture n 20-1 meteorite-mars.com meteorite chizé de mars


Page aimée · 27 avril · Modifié ·

spinels pyrite magnesium Nickeliferous pyrite minerals .....

spinels pyrite magnesium
– avec Hervé JP Chotard.

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meteorite-mars.com THANK'S https://curator.jsc.nasa.gov/.../samples/antmet_img.cfm... Exemple de description de la pétrographie
Numéro d'échantillon ALH 84001

Bulletin 16,3
Emplacement Allan Hills - Far Western Icefield
Numéro de terrain 1539
Dimensions 17 x 9,5 x 6,5
Poids 1930.90
Classification originale Diogénite
Classification mise à jour SNC Orthopyroxenite
Composition minérale ( % Fa & % Fs)
Ferrosilite (% molaire): 27
Description macroscopique - Roberta Score
Quatre-vingts pour cent de cet achondrite rectangulaire est recouvert d'une croûte de fusion noire sourde. Les restes de marques d'écoulement sont visibles sur deux surfaces extérieures. Les zones non couvertes par la croûte de fusion ont une couleur gris verdâtre et une texture bloquée. Les plans de clivage sont évidents sur de grands visages en cristal et la pierre a une apparence choquée.

De petites zones d'oxydation sont présentes à l'intérieur de ALH84001. Les abondants petits grains de chromite noir sont dispersés dans toute la pierre. Les petites fractures sont nombreuses.
Description de la section mince (, 3) - Glenn MacPherson
La météorite se compose d'orthopyroxène (En 70 Fs 27 Wo 3 ), sous forme de cristaux jusqu'à 5 mm de longueur, qui forme une mosaïque polygonale granulaire. Malgré le fait que les compositions de pyroxène contiennent 1,5% de CaO en vrac, aucune lamelle d'exsolution n'a été observée. Les veines de pyroxène intensément granulé coupent la coupe. En plus du pyroxène, d'autres phases incluent une chromite mineure et des taches irrégulières d'une masquite isotrope sans caractéristique et isotrope (An 35-39 Ab 57-61 Or 43-4 ). La section ne présente pas de coloration au Fe-oxyde, mais elle contient des taches de carbonate riche en Fe, Fe-Fe, (Fe 29 Mg 60 Ca 11 ) CO 3 . Bien que ce diogénite contienne des zones granulées,
Composition isotopique d'oxygène - Robert Clayton
La composition isotopique d'oxygène de ALH84001 est: δ 18 O = + 4,60; Δ 17 O = + 2,65, excès de 17 O = 0,25. Ces analyses sont indiscernables de celles de Nakhla et Lafayette.
Antarctique Meteorite Images pour l'échantillon ALH 84001
Vue de dessus de l'échantillon ALH 84001 Vue de l'Est de l'échantillon ALH 84001 Vue de l'Ouest des éclats d'échantillons ALH 84001 Vue de dessous de l'échantillon ALH 84001
Vue sud de l'échantillon ALH 84001 Vue de l'échantillon reconstruit ALH 84001 après une tentative de dallage abandonnée Vue inférieure / ouest du visage scié de l'échantillon ALH 84001,65 Vue haut / ouest du visage scié de l'échantillon ALH 84001,65
Vue de l'Est de l'échantillon ALH 84001 Vue nord / est de l'échantillon ALH 84001,65 Vue Nord / Est des éclats d'échantillons ALH 84001,65 et 340 Vue Est du visage scié de l'échantillon ALH 84001
Microscope binoculaire Image de l'échantillon ALH 84001 montrant des résultats en carbonate Microscope binoculaire Image de l'échantillon ALH 84001 montrant des carbonates texturés dans une surface de fracture Binocular Microscope Image of Sample ALH 84001 Showing Closeup of Carbonate Vein Binocular Microscope Image of Sample ALH 84001 Showing Closeup of Dense Concentration iof Rzb's
Thin Section Photograph of Sample ALH 84001 in Plane-Polarized Light Showing Poikilitic Patches of Z Thin Section Photograph of Sample ALH 84001 in Plane-Polarized Light Showing Rounded Zoned Carbonate Thin Section Photograph of Sample ALH 84001 in Plane-Polarized Light Showing Fine-Grained Carbonate Thin Section Photograph of Sample ALH 84001 in Plane-Polarized Light Showing Fine-Grained Carbonate
North View of Sample ALH 84001 South View of Sample ALH 84001 West View of Sample ALH 84001 North View of Sample ALH 84001
East/West View of Sawed Faces of Sample ALH 84001 Bottom/East View of Sawed Face of Sample ALH 84001 Top/East View of Sawed Face of Sample ALH 84001 East View of Sample ALH 84001
West View of Sample ALH 84001 Cutting Plan of View of Sample ALH 84001 North View of Sample ALH 84001 Before Processing West/Bottom View of Sawed Face of Sample ALH 84001,65 https://curator.jsc.nasa.gov/antmet/samples/petdes.cfm...

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Résultat de recherche d'images pour "SPINEL PYRITE ON MARTIAN METEORITE"
Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté texture 20/02 Nickeliferous pyrite tracks pervasive hydrothermal alteration in Martian ...Grains de fer-nickel
meteorite-mars.com THANK'S
– avec Hervé JP Chotard.

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Texture comparative n 20-2-2 meteorite-mars.com meteorite chizé de mars

meteorite-mars.com Name: NWA 998

Weight: 32mg

Type: Martian (nakhlite)

Total known weight: 456g
meteorite-mars.com THANK'S
Size: 4x2x2 mm https://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=17921 Northwest Africa 998
Basic information Name: Northwest Africa 998
This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: NWA 998
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2001
Country: (Northwest Africa)
Mass:help 456 g
NHM Catalogue: 5th Edition (2000) Martian (shergottite)
Meteoritical Bulletin: MB 87 (2003) Martian (nakhlite)
MetBase: v. 7.1 (2006) Nakhlite
Recommended: Martian (nakhlite) [explanation]

This is 1 of 19 approved meteorites classified as Martian (nakhlite). [show all]
Search for other: Martian meteorites
Writeup from MB 87:
Northwest Africa 998
Algeria or Morocco
Purchased 2001 September
Martian meteorite (nakhlite)
A. and G. Hupé (xHupé) purchased, from dealers at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show in 2002 February, the main mass from a 456 g stone that had been acquired at an unspecified site in western Algeria or eastern Morocco in 2001 September. Dimensions before cutting: 72 mm by 65 mm by 48 mm. Classification and mineralogy (A. Irving and S. Kuehner, UWS): a friable, dark green rock with minor orange-brown alteration products that probably are of pre-terrestrial origin. It is composed mainly of subhedral, olive-green, complexly zoned subcalcic augite (Fs22Wo39) with subordinate yellow olivine (Fa64), orthopyroxene (Fs49Wo4), interstitial plagioclase (Ab61Or4 containing 0.1 wt% SrO, and exhibiting normal birefringence), titanomagnetite, chlorapatite and pyrrhotite. The overall texture is that of a hypabyssal, adcumulate igneous rock, and the apparent crystallization sequence is olivine, orthopyroxene, titanomagnetite, augite, apatite, plagioclase. There is a weak preferred orientation of prismatic pyroxene crystals, many of which have very distinctive zoning, with cores of augite surrounded by irregular, inverted pigeonite rims (now consisting of orthopyroxene with fine augite lamellae). Trains of tiny melt inclusions are present along healed fractures within pyroxene; microprobe study confirms that most of these are K-Na-Al-bearing silicate glass, but some are intergrowths of glass and Fe-bearing carbonate, which may represent quenched immiscible silicate-carbonate liquids. Symplectitic intergrowths of titanomagnetite and low-Ca pyroxene are present at grain boundaries between large, discrete olivine and titanomagnetite grains, but are not present around chromian titanomagnetite inclusions within olivine. These observations suggest that a pre-terrestrial oxidation process produced the symplectites, and involved high temperature, deuteric fluid infiltration along grain boundaries; such fluids also may have produced the irregular pigeonitic rims on augite crystals. Secondary (probably pre-terrestrial) ankeritic carbonate, K-feldspar (some Fe-bearing), serpentine (?), calcite and a Ca sulfate are present on grain boundaries and within cracks in augite. Oxygen isotope composition (D. Rumble, CIW): replicate analyses of acid-washed augite by laser fluorination gave δ18O = +3.9 ± 0.2‰; δ17O = +2.4 ± 0.1‰; ∆17O = +0.30 ± 0.02‰. Specimens: type specimens, 20 g, UWS, 20 g, FMNH, and two polished thin sections, UWS; main mass, xHupé.
Data from:
Table 8
Line 32:
Origin or pseudonym: Morocco/Algeria
Place of purchase: Tucson, Az
Date: Sep 2001
Mass (g): 456
Pieces: 1
Class: Martian
Classifier: A. Irving, UWS
Type spec mass (g): 40
Main mass: ROM
Comments: see separate entry
Plots: O isotopes:
and collections FMNH: Department of Geology The Field Museum of Natural History 1400 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago, IL 60605-2496, USA, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 16 Nov 2011)
ROM: Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6, Canada (institutional address; updated 18 Oct 2011)
UWS: University of Washington, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, 70 Johnson Hall, Seattle, WA 98195, United States (institutional address; updated 15 Jan 2012)
CIW: Carnegie Insitution Washington, Geophysical Laboratory, 5251 Broad Branch Rd., NW, Washington DC 20015, United States (institutional address)
xHupé: (old address—now see GHupé or AHupé) G. and A. Hupe, 2616 Lake Youngs Court SE, Renton, WA 98058., United States (private address)
References: Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 87, MAPS 38, A189-A248 (2003)
Find references in NASA ADS: NASA ADS
Find references in Google Scholar: Google Scholar
Credit Photos
Photos uploaded by members of the Encyclopedia of Meteorites.
(Caution, these are of unknown reliability)
abibou Added to database 7 Sep 2012
Aeroliths Collection Theodossiou Added to database 8 Jan 2012
AJS Cosmic Treasures Added to database 16 May 2010
Allmeteorite.com Added to database 29 Mar 2011
Argus Rocks Added to database 16 Aug 2009
bphd Added to database 26 Sep 2010
David Campbell Added to database 2 Sep 2009
Denis gourgues Added to database 24 Apr 2014
Gerald Armstrong Added to database 10 Feb 2010 Added to database 20 Apr 2010
J John Lutzon Added to database 13 Mar 2011
Jay Piatek Added to database 16 Jun 2009
Jim Strope Added to database 14 Feb 2012
MeteoriteCollector.org - FCOM - Russ Finney Added to database 31 Jan 2012
Michael S. Scherman Added to database 5 Jul 2009
Robert Zdancewicz Added to database 8 Nov 2011
Solar Anamnesis Added to database 28 Dec 2016
xeqtr Added to database 7 Feb 2013
Coordinates: Unknown.

This is 1 of 5753 approved meteorites from (Northwest Africa) (plus 2068 unapproved names)
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meteorite-mars.com THANK'S

Texture n 20-3 meteorite-mars.com meteorite chizé de mars

J’aime cette Page · 27 avril ·

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Résultat de recherche d'images pour "SPINEL PYRITE ON MARTIAN METEORITE"
Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté texture 2meteorite-mars.com Chassigny, Stein, SNC / Chassignit
Fall 3.Oktober 1815 Haute Mame, France
Gesamt ca. 4 kg
<1 mg = (49, -) http://www.jgr-apolda.eu/.../METS/METMOMA/METAL_MS.HTM 0/02 Nickeliferous pyrite tracks pervasive hydrothermal alteration in Martian ...Grains de fer-nickel
http://www.carionmineraux.com/reconnaitre_une_meteorite.htm thank s de meteorite-mars.com
– avec Hervé JP Chotard.

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[PDF]Spinel in Martian meteorite SaU 008: Implications for Martian magnetism
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de Y Yu - ‎2005 - ‎Cité 20 fois - ‎Autres articles
Keywords: Mars; spinel; SNC meteorites; SaU 008; magnetism. 1. Introduction ... no)magnetite have both been suggested as the domi- nant remanence carriers ...
Nickeliferous pyrite tracks pervasive hydrothermal alteration in Martian ...
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de JP Lorand - ‎2015 - ‎Cité 5 fois - ‎Autres articles
20 nov. 2015 - Abstract. Martian regolith breccia NWA 7533 (and the seven paired samples) is unique among Martian meteorites in showing accessory pyrite ...
A petrographic history of martian meteorite ... - Wiley Online Library
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1945-5100.1995...x/pdf - Traduire cette page
de AH Treiman - ‎1995 - ‎Cité 127 fois - ‎Autres articles
28 oct. 1994 - Next, Mg-Fe-Ca carbonates and pyrite replaced plagioclase in both clasts ... martian meteorites; orthopyroxene-rich fragments are present in the ...... basalts and olivine-pyroxene-spinel fragments in achondrite EETA7900 1.
Mineralogy of meteorite groups - Astrophysics Data System
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de AE Rubin - ‎1997 - ‎Cité 201 fois - ‎Autres articles
Martian meteorites comprise basalts, lherzolites, a dunite and an ..... Chromian spinel is the dominant oxide phase in R chondrites; magnetite and ilmenite are ...
Petrology on Mars | American Mineralogist
Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté TEXTURE15NORTHWEST AFRICA 7034/7533 PHOTO
Meteorite Studies580 × 413Recherche par image
... purchased some months later by a meteorite collector/dealer and sold to L. Labenne. A sample of this stone was submitted for analysis and classification ...http://www.meteoritestudies.com/protected_NWA7034.HTM

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[PDF]Spinel in Martian meteorite SaU 008: Implications for Martian magnetism
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de Y Yu - ‎2005 - ‎Cité 20 fois - ‎Autres articles
Keywords: Mars; spinel; SNC meteorites; SaU 008; magnetism. 1. Introduction ... no)magnetite have both been suggested as the domi- nant remanence carriers ...
Nickeliferous pyrite tracks pervasive hydrothermal alteration in Martian ...
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de JP Lorand - ‎2015 - ‎Cité 5 fois - ‎Autres articles
20 nov. 2015 - Abstract. Martian regolith breccia NWA 7533 (and the seven paired samples) is unique among Martian meteorites in showing accessory pyrite ...
A petrographic history of martian meteorite ... - Wiley Online Library
onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1945-5100.1995...x/pdf - Traduire cette page
de AH Treiman - ‎1995 - ‎Cité 127 fois - ‎Autres articles
28 oct. 1994 - Next, Mg-Fe-Ca carbonates and pyrite replaced plagioclase in both clasts ... martian meteorites; orthopyroxene-rich fragments are present in the ...... basalts and olivine-pyroxene-spinel fragments in achondrite EETA7900 1.
Mineralogy of meteorite groups - Astrophysics Data System
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de AE Rubin - ‎1997 - ‎Cité 201 fois - ‎Autres articles
Martian meteorites comprise basalts, lherzolites, a dunite and an ..... Chromian spinel is the dominant oxide phase in R chondrites; magnetite and ilmenite are ...
Petrology on Mars | American Mineralogist
Météorite Chizé de Mars Communauté TEXTURE15NORTHWEST AFRICA 7034/7533 PHOTO
Meteorite Studies580 × 413Recherche par image
... purchased some months later by a meteorite collector/dealer and sold to L. Labenne. A sample of this stone was submitted for analysis and classification ...http://www.meteoritestudies.com/protected_NWA7034.HTM

Texture comparative n 20-3-2 meteorite-mars.com meteorite chizé de mars

Allan Hills A76009 (L6)

Size: 147.4 kb

740 x 490 pixels
Camera model: NIKON D5100
Date: 2012:04:17 01:25:47
Image source: uploaded by a member of the Encyclopedia of Meteorites.
Credit: Corey Kuo
This image may be copyrighted.

Direct link to photo: http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/.../1316_24172...

Texture comparative n 20-3-3 meteorite-mars.com meteorite chizé de mars

etrographic Description
Sample Number ALH 84001
Newsletter 16,3

Location Allan Hills - Far Western Icefield
Field Number 1539
Dimensions 17 x 9.5 x 6.5
Weight 1930.90
Original Classification Diogenite
Updated Classification SNC Orthopyroxenite
Mineral Composition (%Fa & %Fs)
Ferrosilite (mol%): 27
Macroscopic Description - Roberta Score
Eighty percent of this rectangular shaped achondrite is covered with dull black fusion crust. Remnants of flow marks are visible on two exterior surfaces. Areas not covered by fusion crust have a greenish-gray color and a blocky texture. Cleavage planes are obvious on some large crystal faces and the stone has a shocked appearance.

Small areas of oxidation are present in the interior of ALH84001. Abundant small, black chromite grains are scattered throughout the stone. Small fractures are numerous.
Thin Section Description (,3) - Glenn MacPherson
The meteorite consists of orthopyroxene (En70 Fs27 Wo3), as crystals up to 5 mm in length, that forms a polygonal-granular mosaic. Despite the fact that pyroxene compositions contain 1.5% CaO in bulk, no exsolution lamellae were observed. Veins of intensely granulated pyroxene cross cut the section. In addition to pyroxene, other phases include minor chromite and irregular patches of a featureless and isotropic maskelynite (An35-39Ab57-61Or43-4). The section does not show Fe-oxide staining but does contain patches of brown, Fe-rich carbonate, (Fe29Mg60 Ca11)CO3. Although this diogenite contains granulated areas, it does not appear to be a breccia.
Oxygen Isotopic Composition - Robert Clayton
The oxygen isotope composition of ALH84001 is: δ18O=+4.60; δ 17O=+2.65, excess 17O = 0.25. These analyses are indistinguishable from those of Nakhla and .https://curator.jsc.nasa.gov/antmet/samples/petdes.cfm...

Texture comparative n 20-3-4 meteorite-mars.com meteorite chizé de mars

Texture comparative n 20-3-5 meteorite-mars.com meteorite chizé de mars

La deuxième différence importante entre NWA 5790 et les autres nakhlites est son manque apparent de « iddingsite » (Corrigan et al. 2013 ), qui comprend des minéraux secondaires finement cristallins , y compris les carbonates, les oxydes de fer / hydroxydes, et les minéraux argileux (par exemple, Gooding et al. 1991 ; Treiman et al. 1993 ). Comme les veines contenant ces minéraux secondaires sont recoupés par croûte de fusion, ils sont clairement préterrestre, et ainsi martien d'origine (Gooding et al. 1991 ). Pour être sûr que iddingsite martien ne se produit pas dans NWA 5790, nous avons cherché à localiser, identifier et déterminer l'origine (c. -à- pré- ou post-terrestre) de tous les minéraux qui se sont formés à partir de l' eau liquide. Une conclusion que les minéraux secondaires martiens sont en effet absents de NWA 5790 suggère que la partie du corps igné dont il a été dérivé a été isolé à partir des solutions aqueuses qui interagissent avec d' autres régions du débit / seuil, et cette information peut fournir de nouvelles contraintes sur sa structure interne et l' origine.
Matériaux et méthodes

Caractérisation de l'échantillon initial

NWA 5790 comprend deux pierres (masse totale de 145 g;. Weisberg et al 2010 ), et cette étude a utilisé une seule puce de 2,7 g (~ 1,1 x 1,2 x 0,8 cm 3 ) de la partie extérieure de l' une des pierres qui ont été acquises à partir de la collection Macovich. Cet échantillon a été sélectionné car il fournit un profil de l'extérieur de la météorite (qui est le plus susceptible de contenir des produits d'altération terrestres) à l'intérieur frais. Surface extérieure d' origine de la météorite a un revêtement de couleur chamois à grains fins qui Shih et al. ( 2010 ) appelé « caliche » (Fig. 1 a), tandis que les surfaces intérieures fraîchement cassés de la puce sont de couleur vert foncé (Fig. 1 b). Comme l'intérieur de la météorite est libre de Fe- (hydr) veines d'oxyde et des jantes de grains, il serait classé comme W0 sur la section mince échelles aux intempéries (Jull et al. 1991 ; Wlotzka 1993 ;. Al-Kathiri et al 2005 ) . Étant donné que les minéraux d'une origine terrestre présumée sont visibles à l'œil nu sur la surface extérieure de l' échantillon ( à savoir le « caliche »), NWA 5790 devrait avoir une sous - classification « E ».


Texture comparative n 20-3-6 meteorite-mars.com meteorite chizé de mars

ANWA 7533, and four other pieces including NWA 7034, were once part of a bigger space rock that broke apart. Together they form a time capsule—a snapshot of Mars' geological history and what the Red Planet might of looked like in its younger years. One thing is for certain: Mars had abundant amounts of water. When heated, meteorites give off water vapor trapped in their minerals. A type of Martian meteorite more commonly found on Earth, known as a Shergottite, gives off a couple hundred parts per million. This sample had 6000.

"That's a lot of water to come out of a rock," says Carl Agee professor of Earth and Planetary Science at the University of New Mexico and the scientist who originally identified NWA 7034 (and subsequently Humayun's sample as well) as a piece of Mars. "When that rocked formed, it had to have been in an environment that was water rich. The water permeates in the rock, the COMPARATIFS TEXTURES minerals interact with it, and are locked away." piece of the NWA 7533 meterorite found in northwest Africa.
From meteorite-mars.com THANK S

Planetary science: A chunk of ancient
NASA’s Curiosity Mars Rover http://www.futura-sciences.com/.../astronomie-meteorite.../

Texture comparative n 20-3 meteorite-mars.com meteorite chizé de mars

meteorite-mars.com x2 mm
Name: NWA 5132Name: NWA 5132

Weight: 0.39g

Type: L4 12 Dimensional String
- David Campbell THANK S FOR YOU

Total known weight: 67g

Size: 11x9x2 mm

Weight: 0.39g

Type: L4

Total known weight: 67g

Size: 11x9x2 mm Northwest Africa 5132
Basic information Name: Northwest Africa 5132
This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: NWA 5132
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2007
Country: (Northwest Africa)
Mass:help 67 g
Meteoritical Bulletin: MB 97 (2010) L4
Recommended: L4 [explanation]

This is 1 of 1490 approved meteorites (plus 4 unapproved names) classified as L4. [show all]
Search for other: L chondrites, L chondrites (type 4-7), Ordinary chondrites, and Ordinary chondrites (type 4-7)
Comments: Approved 25 Nov 2009
Data from:
Table 1
Line 213:
Origin or pseudonym: Morocco
Date: 2007
Mass (g): 67
Pieces: 1
Class: L4
Fayalite (mol%): 26.4
Ferrosilite (mol%): 22
Wollastonite (mol%): 1.9
Classifier: Bunch, NAU
Type spec mass (g): 13.7
Type spec location: PSF
Main mass: PSF
Comments: Large GOP objects
